Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Better to see in color? Or color blind? Little bit of both?

I love the containers down at City Point. Particularly after watching Season 3 of The Wire. Wonder what's in them!?

The birds in this shot really made it! Wish they weren't so hard to direct!

I really wanted to capture the planes that fly super low over City Point on a Saturday but, like directing birds, it's hard to request flight path changes to get them in your shot.

Quiet seats at the pond in Forest Hills.

A picture from the 203 bridge that crosses over Forest Hills. I worry about the structure of this bridge every time I drive across (sometimes twice a day) and then... I found myself standing on it while it was shaking!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome shots Colleen! I LOVE the first one and the colors.
